Final Opening Sequence

Final Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

Thursday 16 September 2010

Media Homework Film Still Analysis

1. Describe your shot and identify in what way it could be described as representing your chosen genre?
My shot is a BCU of a clenched fist of a young white male in the foreground which is in focus. In the background and out of focus is another young white male lying face down in a field. My chosen genre for this shot is Action/Thriller and I think this is represented as the clenched fist shows danger and the hooded character on the floor gives a sense of the unknown villain in the story.

2. What did you actually do to achieve the effect?

To achieve this effect of danger and threat I made the hand clenched to show violence and I made the character on the floor hooded so that it tied in with the idea that he was the bad guy as you cannot see his face or any of his features. This mystery achieves the effect that the male on the floor is evil and the genre is action.

3. Identify what is successful about your shot

I believe my shot is successful as the clenched fist is in focus, meaning that it is the main focus, which is what I intended to happen. I also think my shot is successful as the hooded figure is on the floor and out of focus which gives the effect he is mysterious, which i also intended to happen.

4. What would you do differently in hindsight?

In hindsight I would probably change the lighting so that it was darker. This would be to also connote the action/thriller genre of my film still. In hindsight I could have also given the clenched fist a glove, but that may have seemed like the good guy was actually a bad guy.