Final Opening Sequence

Final Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The opening sequence of our film represents the typical strong, British army officer. This is shown with his costume, props and through the way he talks to the forensic officers. His costume and props clearly show he is an army figure as the clothes are camouflaged. The body language and the way he talks towards the forensics also shows he is above them in ranking, as he bosses them around.

However, throughout the sequence we have shown that he is stressed and on edge as before he starts talking to the forensic officers, he leans against the fence and wipes his brow. He does this again after the conversation, showing that he is strained and under pressure. His authority is also shown over the forensics as he raises his hand to the first forensic when he calls for him to tell him to be silent.

We also represented the beast as being the unknown danger, preying on the vulnerable humans. We planned the sequence so that you never see the beast, adding to the tension and enigma. We also learn that the beast’s first victim was a young teenage female, also portraying the fact that it possibly preys on the weaker humans.