Final Opening Sequence

Final Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

For our prelim task, our brief was to produce a short sequence where a character walks into a room, sits down by another character where they then talk. For our opening sequence, however, we had to create the first two minutes of a film for our choice of genre.
There were differences in all aspects of both tasks, and I feel I have learnt a lot between the prelim and this finished task.


Firstly, planning our prelim was much easier as it wasn’t too complicated and the brief was very clear on what we had to do for our shoot. We could easily storyboard a short sequence and choose a location for our shoot. However, the storyboarding for our main shoot was longer and needed to be altered, even though we had a clear idea before starting.
In our prelim task, we used actors from our own group. However in our final piece we originally were going to use actors from outside of our group. I have learnt from this that you always need a back-up plan if things go wrong and fortunately we did have a back-up plan so we had replacement actors ready if problems arose which we couldn’t avoid.

Finally, editing and working as a team for the prelim was much easier, as there were fewer shots to capture and the film was shorter. Our final piece had a lot more editing to be done which took up more of our time. Due to the increased length of our final piece compared to our prelim, there was more feedback for us to change. However, we altered our sequence as necessary and finished our piece on time.